Cagamas is committed to long-term capacity building within underserved communities, aligning with our sustainability pillar 3: Positive Societal Impact. Our partnership with Persatuan Literasi Anak Malaysia (MYReaders) addresses the urgent need for English remedial intervention via establishment of a Literacy hub at PPR Kerinchi (PPRK), Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur. Through structured literacy programmes, weekly reading sessions, and Cagamas starter home libraries, the initiative aims to uplift students and families by fostering a lifelong love for learning and setting them on a path to move up the social and economic ladder.
In addition to our own Cagamas volunteers, the year-long partnership saw children from 30 PPRK families, 36 volunteer tutors, 2 Community Program Coordinators, and 10 Cagamas staff engaging in interactive reading sessions, storytelling, and educational games. This initiative supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.