Skim Saraan Bercagar (SSB) Reverse Mortgage

Skim Saraan Bercagar (SSB) Reverse Mortgage
Skim Saraan Bercagar (SSB) by Cagamas is a reverse mortgage loan for retired home owners. Through reverse mortgage, you can generate cash during retirement without sacrificing home ownership. This allows you to continue staying in your family home without repayment during your lifetime. Retired home owners can use the monthly payout amount for any purpose, such as medical-related expenses and other necessities to make their retirement years more comfortable.
The reverse mortgage loan only requires settlement upon the demise of the borrower or joint borrower, whichever occurs later. No repayment is required during their lifetime and the property will only be sold to settle any outstanding loan amount upon the demise of the borrower or last surviving joint borrower. Any residual balance from that will go towards your estate.
Details on the SSB can be found at its website: